Sunday, December 16, 2012

nu blog

Facebook Post


Facebook Post



Shower and Bath


I'd rather hurt you more than learn from your hurting me for me being hurt and getting bad thoughts.  "What" did I do?  Also, it's my blog.  I tell you to leave me alone.

I don't want you to just live in the moment and complain about me getting attention when I want it.


Well, my eyes sometimes get fuzzy, and my lifestyle has problems that don't need to be there.   It's always because of some other problem.


So, I called my grandma for nearly a year each night reading the Bible, and she's been mean to me.  I think it had made Ellen DeGeneres uncomfortable.  I can't seem to escape my dad, though.  I mean, I think she gave my mom glasses.  That's what's important to her.  She doesn't think.  She thinks she's cool.  She might even think she supports being modern.

Facebook Post



I'm posting @ "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."


Oh, I know I should have felt better.  I'm sure it happened because of something I did and that Ellen DeGeneres is involved.


I'm not okay with my mom being hurt.  Especially because of me.


So, I settled down, and suddenly my mom gets glasses?


It's Ellen DeGeneres's fault she's on Twitter.  I don't want the message to be my mom getting glasses.  What should we do to Ellen DeGeneres?  She doesn't seem to deny it.  I wonder how else she could have caused it..


I don't care about Ellen DeGeneres, anymore, but not in every sense of the "word," and I don't think her partner is, in a sense, a person, as in over others.  Supposedly, that's why my mom got glasses.  Ellen DeGeneres shouldn't listen to Portia in a gay way.  Maybe, gay people are bad.  Why is she popular?


Why do you keep sending me negative messages?  See, you're wasting all my time.

Stop saying I'm my dad all of a sudden.  I don't want to be my dad.  There are some things about each person that anyone would like, but I shouldn't have to say that.

Look, I don't care about this.  Admit Ellen DeGeneres is a symbol or part of relaying negative messages to me.  She made my mom wear glasses.  The world is about being positive.  That's what, and it's about thinking and solving problems.  Why only you get treated well?  Just mad you don't get attention?  I thought we supposedly dealt with this issue, already.

Nitey Soon

Don't kill someone I care about.. nor hurt anyone... g'nite.  Don't be bad.


If my mom's age makes her worthless, then what about Ellen DeGeneres?  I mean, it's true.  Everyone's different.


Ellen DeGeneres won't admit she's gayly leaving me torturous things that anyone can see, the clicks in my room, the no food out, my mom getting glasses, all laced or whatever the word is with different other messages.


Ellen DeGeneres isn't treating me like I'm young.  I feel I have to not like pretend to think something.  *BEEP*  Come on.  Do something.  !


People are making my life a big deal for others, like sending messages through hurting me and probably doing things to me.  Then, they say that things aren't possible for me, though they are.  I didn't do anything.  They're just judging me for what I am.

Do you see Ellen DeGeneres falling over in pain, m********ing in her sleep?  I bet it's pretty suggestive that she's worthless to people for her hidden motives, if it's true, she's involved.

Look, if you want to say that you slave over the attention I get, that's your fault.  You can't send me such suggestive, insulting, crafted messages.  That's a waste of the world's time.  You wouldn't know that.  You don't know how to do anything like that.  If you're not interested in me, get interested in someone who deserves it.


Can you see Ellen DeGeneres m*********ing falling over in her sleep that it happened, like because other people don't want to take my suggestions?  Make her wear glasses and like I'd dare say it's suggested that she go blind for causing this chain reaction or rather deliberately causing some agreement, I suppose, not sure why she seems involved.


Why won't Ellen DeGeneres just behave?

Last Name

Do you identify with your last name?  I don't know.  Also, my mom is all 1 race.  I don't know where the Irish Barrett name used to come from, but it was probably around 500 years ago.  :/


Ellen DeGeneres has an attitude problem.  She won't just enjoy things.  I'm mad because I said Tim Burton was negative.  That means she's following this.  Help!  She's nuts.  She has something to do with my mom getting glasses.


I don't know why people keep arguing my points.  Everyone learns from people.


So, why am I the only one getting threats and being made fun of for what I managed to accomplish?  Why are you making fun of me for getting glasses at 9?


I don't like Ellen DeGeneres's attitude and would probably really h*** her.

She won't admit as a person to the world that she doesn't care if someone "didn't watch her show."  Why would everyone watch her show?  Some people "can't."  It's about making more people watch it.  I mean, I don't know why most people wouldn't.


Ellen DeGeneres thinks she's cool to be suggestive when you plead for something in life.

Look, how do I know that someone's not gonna come in and injure me for not being a movie actor now so I can get better?  Anyway, I was gonna, but I was too fat, I guess.  Not like supple enough.

I think she is just pretending.  She's just being bad, in your face, saying certain reactions mean truth, which they don't.

I'm tired of the games of Tim Burton.  He just accuses you if you don't have an answer.  He thinks that the world has a final answer.  He says, but you did that pattern, and this pattern means I made a statement to you.

Look, I keep hearing noises, and I don't like them.  What am I gonna do?..

Better make a change?  I mean, you have to..  You could get glasses, too.


Why do I see hints from Ellen DeGeneres that she knew my mom would get glasses?

Also, if we know it's because something bad just happened, then we know that it was wrong.

I don't know if my mom's mom wears glasses, but I think her sister does.




Helena Bonham Carter takes advantage of my kindness and my race and thinks I'm crap.


Why has my life been so crazy with my dad's thoughts on Johnny Depp, and Tim Burton.  Just *beep* him.


Ellen DeGeneres is a violent nigger who predicts the future.

Worthwhile Things...

I bet Tim Burton is waiting to see someone from Europe show that I'm not worth it.


*BEEP* Ellen DeGeneres (and Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton and my dad and my mom) They (Helena Bonham Carter, which is worthless,) is m********ing in pleasure.

My mom had glasses because of an accident.  She got in 2 car accidents.  Someone might know, but this is important, I guess.  Well, she will just wear them to read and drive.

Really, Ellen DeGeneres is worth nothing.  My mom thinks it's because I have this lava thing from 711 that shoots up air as an air purifier.

It might have been my dad, though, doing this to me.  Who knows why.  Make sure it wasn't Ellen DeGeneres because if it wasn't someone else they don't deserve to be hurt.  This shouldn't have happened.  What if my dad dies?  Then, I'll be mad at the world.  I don't see what the problem is with me.

Anyway, Ellen DeGeneres won't care.  I don't care about her.


Also, I'm mad at the intrusions of Kate Bush supposed messages and got violent thoughts because they're super annoying since watching her show this season.  Not sure what's eating her weak ass.

Getting Mad

Would you say Ellen DeGeneres gets mad?


I reformatted a post on Facebook.

Who You're Born to Be

Do you believe people are born not to be who they want to be, like they have to be like a parent's race or personal qualities, which are unideal, like they won't be the 1 who stands out in the way they truly desire?  Like, you just want it to be there and you also want the real experience.  Things are not as they seem.  A lot of problems come up because of it, and no one cares.

Facebook Posts

Also, I had Liked some of my posts, too tired to post..



I already said I don't want my life to be molded after others who get in trouble a lot.  I bet it's wrong.  You can't just say everyone doesn't have the answer of world peace.  I don't believe that if something seems true that it has to be.  However, some things "are," like things that bother you.


A Full Piece of Beef, easy to complete
5, I think, Brussels sprouts, easy to devour

Oreo cookies with thick chocolate cream, maybe 5, and milk
Just had a Philly push up pop, like the Italian ice better, very good in Philly Swirl xD


I added a new Special Tag, one I'd used, Psychiatric Pain.


So, everything that ticks you the wrong way results in you getting mad.  I was told to remember things, more than once, and I have a feeling that "doesn't go."  It had been a problem.  I wish my life were more set, but people make fun of me for not achieving that.  Well, they seem to treat me badly.  I tried to make my life more set.  It's like I have to get rid of all the stuff I own.  In late times, I've gotten rid of a lot.

My Color

People seem to test me for my color.  Like, I'm afraid to tan.  Like, my face isn't tanning, anymore.


I changed my profile pic: Facebook.


I added links to the major and job section.

Different Strokes

So, is my family right?


I tagged my last post.


So, I wanted to get some natural fat (fiber) pills I saw @ 1 of the local CVSs.  I ended up wanting to spend $200 but only spent $130.  I got a set of cleaning stuff for my face, which must have been $20.  I got about 7 things for around $10.  At Wal-Mart, for some reason, I have the receipt.  I got a windbreaker, lighter than my other sweaters sweater, and a shirt they finally sold, just because it was special.  I got a myriad of other things for like bathroom and stuff for around $3 and it added up to $140 with tax, though I think my dad got some things.  Also in it is vitamins, 2 kinds..  1 thing at CVS I needed was colored pill boxes for my vitamins when I eat out.  I have a feeling I could have bought most of it with my money at Wal-Mart.


So, Ellen DeGeneres, supposedly if an idea comes it means something.  Why am I getting the idea you plotted with my dad that I just get fast food out and not fancy food taken to me?  Also, what's wrong with thinking things are funny, then?


I fixed the spelling of "Pacific" from "Paficic."


Why are people racist to me?  I already said I don't agree with the bad messages my dad gives me and don't want to be the technical like perceived notion of my mom's race, Asian|Chinese.


Isn't it funny what famous people are onto today?  I thought they helped kids.


I want people to stop communicating perverted things to stimulate me.


I changed "Restaurant" to "Diner."


Text Made Smaller


Why are people getting mad at me for losing sleep over homework in high school and junior high?

New Text Box



What are you trying to figure out with me getting mad and thinking of attacking people I try to concoct?  Do you want your food taken away from you, your time taken away from you, your life taken away from you, and be insulted intensely but I don't mean like totally onslaughted?

New Text Box

Tearing Things Down

Did you ever wonder about tearing people down rather than building them up, like in society by a large?

Political Divide Poster

@ the private school in the area



What's your problem?

Why do people keep telling me I have problems?


What if we just not listen to my dad because I find myself going in circles.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Who Am I?

I'm driven to be old-fashioned in an attractive way.

Tim Burton!



Johnny Depp








I dreamed this boy I know's parents went to Cleveland and the mother still had an English accent.

I also had 1 with my organ teacher|choir director from before, my 1 before I went to college, when I was 16 and 17 and when I came home when we stil lived there.

Facebook Post


Facebook Posts


at least 1 more to come


I got a nice, fairly small red apple, from a package I got at Publix, after I had the rest of the food.

Making Fun

So, why does Ellen DeGeneres make fun of things you like?



Let's just take away all your things.  Stop getting mad at me for buying stuff.  I so happened to have not spent so much money, lately.  I have extra money..


I had a chicken sandwich from Backyard Burger, maybe was a little extra hungry.

Not in the Competition?

So, Late Boomers want kids today to not be a competition and that's "what" makes them seem white?

And you better not do it again, and you better not do it again


So, I just imagined swashbuckling some people making noises in my room because I mean I don't have that kind of patience..  I mean, I think it would be fun, it used to be fun.  That's why I'm mad.


5 strips of maple bacon not cooked enough.. =p
a more large bowl of cheesy grits (which I learned to like at a mental hospital in New Orleans.. was gonna have PB but got tired of it at the mental hospital here.. I guess :( WHAT AM I GONNA DO *BEEP* somebody do something, someone with nothing to do at all)
2 pieces of French toast and syrup, well toasted but not burned..


Feeling Light-Headed

I feel much lighter, as well.

Why do you think?

Why do you think I need to be stimulated in a bad way in such a pattern?

I noticed since Johnny Depp became famous in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, people online all seem to complain on the inside that like I wasn't online soon enough.  They don't listen to me, and it's hard for me to grow.


I guess I need to go back to bed.  I wanna wake up and blog.


Why does Ellen DeGeneres thinks she's cool with some bad remark all the time.  It's like, get out of my life, Ellen DeGeneres?  Stop pressuring famous people to be mean to me.  I got the perfect idea.

Well, I don't know if it's her, but I'm getting little messages I'd prefer not to think about, little clicks in my room, and I guess I'm even being made fun of like as if by her for mentioning "these little clicks" in my room as the excuse.

Why is she so negative?  Just because of that n word thing, I think I need to like do out with you all.  You won't stop these clicks in my room.  I already said to lock my dad up.  It's just that I am not talking to my dad.


People keep being really mean to me who know me because of my dad.  I'm getting tired of reacting, and violent things come to mind.  There's no reason to get mad.  You're a lunatic if you do.  I mean, it's important to me but should not be of any concern to you, whatsoever.


So, in the end, Tim Burton came.  I let someone who looked like Michelle Pfeiffer sit next to him, and I very happily sat next to her.  His daughter was on the other side.  She looked like in her 1st Tumblr photos.  He told me to sit like next to him and I sat on one of his knees.  I was still feeling like I feel mostly.  So, he did what he did.  He was thinking of how people seemed to know about my ways, that they seemed to spread, probably via people like Johnny Depp finding me online.  So, he was nice with me.  At that point, he looked at me through my eyes, and it really touched me, made my eyes feel like they kinda like looked in.  He put his arm around me and said he loved me, like I was a kid fan.  Then, he left.  Also, my mom was there and some others.  I petted Nell, and she reacted so cutely.

Before, for some reason, I imagined again I was with Ellen DeGeneres, which I would like, but the embarrassing part is that I imagined that not like it was really her someone picked me up for some reason.  I guess this is the 1st time it was like this.  There was a lot before.  I guess I wasn't feeling well.  She was like saying look at my legs, look at how small they are and disgusted at how big my core was. 

So, I was looking in a mirror, and I saw my "little," "wimpy" legs wrapped around her.  I guess she put me down a few times.  I just felt kinda normal, warmer.  Like, I saw myself in the side, kinda cute..  I guess the made up person was holding my butt, which I didn't notice.  I may have noticed that my back I think was being pressed that I wasn't supposed to get up and so I just looked down, with my head over the person's shoulder.  So, it was an interesting predicament, that I was too tired because my legs were wimpy.  It's funny, in the dream after with Tim Burton, one of his eyes had a black stub over the tear duct and stuck out.  So, this person had kinda long, stocky legs.  I guess that I wasn't feeling well and was kinda weak and therefore easy to handle, though I'm maybe 164 pounds or is it 161??  :(  So, it was kinda cute, I guess the person had eventually kept like cusping my back, like flatting the and on my back to not move my torso..  It was cute.  I had my legs wrapped around the person.  Like, I saw the angle of my legs, which were quite angular.  I guess the person was skinny.  Makes sense.  However, though my legs were like wrapped around and over, I mean, supposedly they were small, you know??  You know, I'm having a really hard time getting my legs to grow.  I mean, they have, but there's just this feeling now, like before, my torso dipped in, like a lot of girls, and then my legs ceased to grow.  I don't know how tall I would be.  It's hard to imagine that, but it's fun to be tall.  I guess I was already upset I was taller than a lot of ladies, already, at age 11.

In the dream after, I guess some other things had happened.  I was in a group where Tim had come every year and didn't come 1 year.  I went in this building and there was a kinda disgusting cat in the bushes that said, "Me ow," softly, and I described what happened, like kinda Chloe Grace Moretz and someone else I can't think of, I think Orla Fallon.  So, my mom was sitting across the bench.  She made note of that I wasn't or Nell wasn't supposed to like be there important to me, strictly, like then I realized it was out of place, like supposedly it wasn't something I would do right.  Right, it didn't look good.  She was kinda small.  I petted her sides, and she smiled.  I didn't really see her eyes..  She seemed like she was a really happy person on the inside or when she did things.

There was an outside, and I was in a group with gifted kids.  There was a huge cat atop a roof of blanket.  It was fierce and a bit snazzy, a tiger, a baby tiger.  It jumped down, and like in a previous dream I dreamed, we ran and got in the building and saw the cat like sending insults running.  Someone caught it under something and closed a square on it, I'd dreamed of, which like I did to it had finally squared over its hole and then was noticed had to still be held down.  The cat tried to get out.  Somehow the person got its hands and maybe 2 other things and I know I dreamed I'd slice them, and he sliced them.  The cat was sad.  I got mad, and I realized madly we should have put it in a locked box, or cage.  I guess they gaped that they wanted a cage..  It was hard to notice.  Then, we put little furry white paws with 3 toes on the ends, and it poofed 1 out when the person left, a boy, and it was happy, and I said to look at it.  It was just a happy cat.  I said before, save its body parts in case we can put them back on with science, later.

So, yes, there was a big glassy kinda outside with buildings and stuff.

So, I was really mad looking down a list seeing Tim Burton stopped seeing us when I joined.  I saw 1 picture of me seeing him with squinty, slanted eyes.  There was a big version with just me I got, like via media.  When I saw him, his hair was like medium brown slicked down with curls and his face seemed to have been affected by chemicals of facial cleanser.  Mine was from using it a lot a long time ago, when I started posting online, 2007.  The list was like in a square center.

So, Tim Burton just seemed real, just didn't make me feel a lot like his interviews do when I finally started looking them up..  He did stop awhile, and I stopped believing he was posting to me online.  That made me mad.  I was mad because he stopped being as cute, but maybe he was onto other things??  I'm not sure what was going on but kinda am.  I guess his leg was kinda not weak, just sorta normal, didn't really seem skinny nor like very big, maybe a bit warbly through the black material.

The person who was carrying me was pretty tall and strong and slim, with muscle but not like with too muscular a figure.  I guess their arms were comfortably strong.  Their torso wasn't so long, a bit warbly and bigger tha.. I dunno.  :(  I think I got in trouble in my dream or reprimanded for not continuing a feeling and making it noticeable and didn't realize it.  I wonder if their pants were white.  They seemed kinda smooth and substantial, supple, not like rock hard|solid.

Nitey Soon

Might fall asleep soon.


So, in 7th and 8th grade, I came home and had a snack, not sure what it was, something like microwaveable egg rolls, possibly pasta, maybe even Pizza Pockets.

Then, I e-mailed for an hour, like until 4 P.M..

Then, I did my homework.  I had martial arts Mondays 4-5, Ballet 1 day like 7-8 but wanted more days.. not sure why I didn't look elsewhere seemed like it'd be a good class though I was put with younger kids, tennis on Fridays..  It was like I didn't exercise.  I did tennis since the start.  So, I didn't watch any TV, except on weekends, Nick at Nite.  I watched "Happy Days," "Laverne & Shirley," "The Brady Bunch," and "Gilligan's Island."

So, then, I didn't have time to practice piano.

I probably did church songs and sang under my breath and got musicals.

I watched Cats on the weekend and listened to musicals, while I tried to concentrate on my homework.

So, anyway, I was basically sitting at my table until like 12 A.M. - 1:45 A.M. each night, something like that.  There was nothing to think about.  I talked to my dad about making friends and relatives, maybe for an hour or so, at 1st.

Then, I went to high school.


I was e-mailing some kids I knew, and they were racist all of a sudden sneakily since Johnny Depp.  1st, I kept e-mailing some, and 1 "removed me from her friends."  Then, I got mad at another one, wrote her a lot, and she stopped talking to me, too.  Problem is they're not like from Orlando.  It was really like didn't make sense.  I don't even know what happened with that.  I mean, I kinda wrote a lot lot.  We exchanged conversations and some interactions via Faceboook.  I realized when I arrived in Louisiana that I was considered like an invalid and not like really white.  I can't feel for some thing I did that would make me guilty over there.  I mean I was so miserable staying up doing my homework every night but got the best grades.  I don't know why I'm getting the idea homework that takes a long time that isn't good could be fun.  It was really trashy etc.  We had to feel guilty for the teachers.  That's totally wrong.  How can you even consider that for a second.  I am totally onto it.  I think everyone agrees but doesn't want to admit it.  I think this ruined my opportunity online.  I don't know why I was influenced to go online yet, why no one would e-mail me.

Oh Where Is My Hair

They used to sell Radiant Red for lighter shades of red, and my hair is now dark red in the bathroom.

Not a Fair Lady

So, my skin was never pink.  I mean sometimes when I came home from college it could have been....

My hair was medium brown as a baby but not like creamy and always like that.  Like, maybe at at least 1 point I think of now, well then there's another where it was a darker medium brown.  Then, it was so black and straight.  People with white hair thought I was their like partner in crime on opposing sides.  My eyes were dark.

I'm not sure why people don't like dark features.  So many very romantic people are just light.

Stim-u-la - tion

Did you ever see pictures of someone as a kid and notice that some looked okay and I forgot some looked less than pleasant.  You know that from different pictures that there are times when you aren't okay and you got stimulated to look better.  I'm not sure if that also happened to me.  I didn't really like what I looked like as a baby.  I was kinda fat, blubbery, protruding, in the moment all the time.  Maybe, it's because I was a crusty, tan baby before.


Why do I keep getting such beating attacks from Ellen DeGeneres?  I'M NOT PARTICULARLY ANTI-JEWISH.


'3|  My dad got in a position like he was my kids's future kids.  I'm also getting a message from Ellen DeGeneres, it stopped.  He just crouched over fat.  He was upset at me because I'm in an experiment and he knows I felt bad.  He flipped me off for flipping my thought out of discomfort and acted like it was okay and like Ellen DeGeneres told him to do it and he had to do it.

Where You're From

Maybe, you should talk about like what your dad is like and what your mom is like, too.  Moms seem to come naturally.  Like, maybe, you should go online and get a blog and get people like her to notice you.  It's not like about making me like hurt.  I know you don't want anyone hurt.  I mean, stop like getting mad at me for posting online because you don't feel like it, too, yet.  I mean, I'm 26, and that's simply okay.  How are you gonna solve your life if you don't get a blog?  You should take advantage of everything.  Don't think it's evil.  The Amish just like to live a natural life.


I'm already worried about what I do.  I mean, I used to delete things I liked and e-mail like crazy.  I mean, my room should only have a few things.  I mean, my life shouldn't be so scattered.  I know that people talk to her that watch me sometimes through video cameras.  I'm sure that normal people have seen me.  I don't know why.  I guess it's my race.

Paying Attention

I wonder about being with Ellen DeGeneres now.  Tim Burton can move onto other projects while I focus my legencies to her.

It's too bad I don't have like a different life, a better blogger, but I came clean.  Some things happened, I've hit my head lots of times.  I just want this to like go okay, my existence online.  :|  It's just kinda funny I'm from the area she's from, and I think that's what interests people about me.  I moved there from somewhere else and know what people want.  I uncovered a pristine culture.

Don't trust her!

Let's have Ellen DeGeneres be with me instead of Helena Bonham Carter.  Don't you think she'd do okay in Europe, by herself?  Or maybe Tim Burton is the nigger.

Don't Mind

I don't think Tim Burton minds Ellen DeGeneres because she's Jewish.  Her mom's last name is Jewish.  It might not be.  Most people I think have a little Jewish.


Why before was Tim Burton's daughter more worthy than I, other than that her dad is Tim Burton and of course her mom is European?

How I'm Feeling

Still like my room isn't clean.  ={


Added the Vanity tag to my last post.

Ate & Showered

Rice, Small Bath, Veggie Rice, Have to Clean

I shrunk.

I'm 5'1".  I was 5'4", before, really.  That's good.  I'm also skinnier.  I didn't get my fancy food, but I want it.  I'm gonna get it.  I kinda have a big butt but skinny arms.  Well, not really.  This is really embarrassing because I want my food.  I guess I get shorter when I don't sleep.  I know my hands grow and shrink.  :(  Anyway, I'm 164 pounds or something.

A Really Big Deal

Why do people think some people, like me, are a big deal?


I know racially people are always wanting a handle on me.  They all calculate me, for some reason.  You get a reward, in the end.

Listening to Me

It's funny how much danger I'm in alone.  You know, no one listens to me and I get interrupted when I think.

I just forgot what else I was gonna say.

Something You Don't Have to Do

Did you ever find that maybe only you have to do something, in the end?


It's funny you don't want some people to meet successful people.

"What" You Do Not "Who|What" You Are

I wonder why people don't care "what" mixed Americans do.


Why are some people discouraged to be great, like more attractive teachers like those people?  Then, you find others think they're humble in the past few years because they're all white or maybe part Jewish or part Native American indian but probably not a great deal..


My brother is watching it in a science channel.  :)

Part of the reason I wanted to do Psychiatry and took the MCAT and studied the generations?  Well, that's not "why" I studied the generations..  I liked Psychiatry because I liked to know like "what" exactly influenced people to be how they are, their race and their colors.

A Favor

Would you do Ellen DeGeneres a favor?  "What" did she do?  Raised as a doll and then became more assertive, like a martyr?  Did it hurt to be fat??

Somesing Important

Did you ever wonder if something Ellen DeGeneres did was a good idea because of the n word thing, like a serious decision, you know, and like it was important??


Beef & 4 Brussels sprouts

Generation X

So, Ellen DeGeneres thinks that early Generation X should have kids and have them figure out stuff.  I used to think she was very early Generation X.  Like maybe the earliest.  When I saw her on YouTube looking up actor interviews from the TV..  :|


I almost forgot what else I was gonna say.  I don't want to be hypnotized into submission nor be like everyone else.  Well, I want to be like others in some ways, and everyone has something in common..  I'm finding Late Boomers are encouraging me in secret to like trash my life to Early Boomers, like they don't give a care about anyone, can do whatever they want, are there for show as *** toys who some don't really do anything interesting.  Maybe, only people like Ellen DeGeneres do because she's part Jewish and like rushes to be attractive.  The same thing goes with people with Irish in the U.S., I think.  I don't think part Irish people necessarily rush, though.


Why don't I deserve to spend money?  Why am I getting in trouble for what I buy now that I get allowance?  I mean, like when I ask my parents to get me something else.  :0

In the Comfort of My Home

Why am I not allowed to live comfortable in my home, and why am I being tailed for things people don't approve of I did, like ask my dad for a nice shirt at Wal-Mart that finally came out, the 2nd one since a few months ago?  I got some things at CVS, not realizing it was expensive, had a nice quiet experience, put back lots of stuff.  My dad spent over $100 on me at Wal-Mart.  I also needed a light sweater and a windbreaker.  I don't know what added up since I got the facial cleanser myself at CVS.

Being Overly Accessible

Did you ever think Ellen DeGeneres shouldn't be accessible to you but to others?  Did you ever get how she makes statements and then acts like they're right but they're wrong and she knows and she's just like tossing things around for time and attention?  Her mom seems to be aware she's doing this.  It's like Ellen DeGeneres is afraid to wet her hands and wants to be the youngest 1.  I guess when she was a bit younger she must have met people a bit older more.  I should look into her more.  I mean, it's interesting but not really always a good thing to do.  So, anyway, it's interesting how young people like her.  I thought she was much younger, dunno how young.  At 1st, I thought she was older, but, then, I saw her.  I mean, it must be a life, a bit stressful, eh?  I know a lot of people like me, but I'm having a lot of problems starting to watch her now.  I mean, I'm like in this experiment, and people are giving me messages like they're from her, and I get in trouble if I get mad.

nu photos


Late Boom

I guess they want to make sure you don't know if they'll act like you're parents so you can't overcome them.

How She's Treated IE

Why are only people born around 1960 treated okay, like 1957, 1958, and 1960 and 1961?


So, if you met someone like Ellen DeGeneres as opposed to Tim Burton, I'm guessing Ellen DeGeneres would spend more time on you if you weren't an actor|famous actor, and Tim Burton would if you were.  He spent a lot of time with Johnny Depp.  They seem to think, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, that you'd hog all their attention.  I wonder why that is.  I guess there are only so many famous people who are romantic like that.

People have different ways of wanting to meet people.  I just watched The Hobbit and now feel really disconnected.  Like, I don't even know where someone like Tim Burton is.  People seem to icon-ize him, since working with Johnny Depp.  Ellen DeGeneres's mom's last name is Jewish, and Johnny Depp, while not Jewish, has non-"European," though more Native American indian and related to the 1st freed black woman in America..

Best Interest at Heart

So, sometimes things seem good for you because it'll be "about" your "interests?"  Like, racially?  Like, things will happen?

Extremely Torturous

What do you think of being in extremely torturous situations, like you get really annoyed and cornered?  Like, people put curse words in your head, and others don't like them.  I know I used to act like I was really hurting people but didn't think I was but worried I did.

The Question

What do you think of that some people have to suffer and some people don't?

Friday, December 14, 2012


+ Johnny Depp
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Movie's @ 2 start
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My Feet Fit

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Air Heads

Xtremes Rainbow Berry Sour Candy

And a little cup of ice water

Already went to the restroom


Wonder if we'll see Viggo
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I'm walking back and forth in front of the theater, was strutting.
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My Hood On

I have my hood on. A girl with a boy dressed up. I got a picture.
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Sold Out

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Ellen DeGeneres and my dad are being mean to me. Get them to stop.


My dad ruined my life. Stop it!

You're worthless.

Tim Burton and Ellen DeGeneres ruin things. They want to pretend to confront things.

My dad is being mean, and when I say so he gets mad and violent.
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The Nutcracker

I guess people don't want The Nutcracker to produce famous ballerinas because then more people would follow interest who they don't want to.  So, I hope that these ballerinas have incredible balancing skills, can spin 20 times or at least 3 times, though possibly don't have enough of a musical background.  80  I'm putting my kids in "music," piano and voice??  I'm not sure where I learned to coordinate music, singing, and ballet.


I don't remember specifically, because as I was waking up, my brain felt like a balloon full of grits but no not exactly and in a good way...  So, there was like an image of like something like Julie Andrews carrying a little kid, and then I was talking to Ellen DeGeneres, well not really, like over a machine it seemed or a spinwheel.  Then, like she was comforting me for feeling bad psychiatrically online on Twitter like several times throughout the afternoon, and I just realized it and didn't know what to do because I mean I was used to it and was already trying to get my life out again, somehow, but not like not catch up on my rest.. and etc.  Oh, so, I heard a noise outside my room and suddenly felt kinda dead, my brain, again, and I was restless.

Did anyone watch the President?

Going to Bed Soon


nu videos of me singing


more of me talking loading - 7


Have to go to the bathroom but feel immobile.  I need to get into that.

Note to World

Is Ellen DeGeneres the only one awake?  I visited her sites and didn't spot out recurring members at any at present but she has forums with members with thousands of posts.  :)


So, I was mad yesterday, about the food and felt kinda annoyed at people I live sorta knowing about.  I'm really mad about the food, I'll let you know.  I'm worried I guess because people are annoyed if I curse and if I don't curse.  I guess there's no right time to really curse.

Feeling Unhealthy and Unhygienic

I can't get fancy food out taken to me.

My brother is in the shower, again, and I go to the bathroom, a lot, because I'm fat and weaker.  I just feel kinda disgusting but not in a microscopic way and ma not looking forward to talki a shower,


Hunk of Beef
3 Brussels sprouts
thick chocolate Oreos w|milk


Why should Tim Burton get regard as an actor?


I never got any respect as a Tim Burton fan.  I mean, right away, logic was never applied.  I didn't think to look at him on YouTube.  I mean I did but didn't.


I feel like I've been eating, like, junk food.

My Race

I guess I fit in more in the New Orleans area than Florida racially, but I wasn't actually accepted.

Thursday, December 13, 2012



I feel malnourished.


Every time I try to relax, something happens.

Feeling Juiced Up


I need to exercise!  ^0^  (Hey, where did that come from?)

Like, I feel like I'm infested with like chemicals.  From being mad.  I wonder what's happened to me.  I mean, I kinda held it.  Not sure why it's not getting worse and worse.  I mean, I came home one day and my heart almost like exploded, kept pumping so fast as I tried to sleep and had to try so hard to control it.  I was at my dad trying to figure him out, not thinking how he didn't like it.  Which is something he says.


I edited my last post, added highlights.

Feeling Disgusting|Disgusted

So, I guess it's from the hot dogs.  Maybe too much facial cleanser.  Maybe not enough exercise.  I presently have enough money for maybe 1 DVD, maybe an aerobic 1.  I mean, the core workouts are okay...

So, I noticed I posted t****** c******.  Hm, someone a bit sensitive and misrepresented.  I just didn't want to say t****** because I'd be made fun of.  I didn't really mean it, but what could I say?  "I don't mean it?"  I don't mean it.  :|  I don't really know what kinds of machines they have in torture chambers, and I only remember the stretching of the bust.  Hm, my bust stretched.  Why?  Hey, you care about tweens having little breasts.

Messages While Out

Subject 1: 1st Day of Cold

(I had my Loyola sweater on, which is huge.)

Subject 2: Ghost

I saw a ghost, a thick black figure, go across some bushes, toward the outside.  I didn't see anything after I passed the bush.

Just Back In

My blog posts didn't work via e-mail because of posting quotas.


My eggs were cut up into like sorta salt cube or whatever sizes.  I had 1 in a sandwich of a kind of white bread.  I also had 2 more packs of cracker sticks and cheese.  I plan to cut up cheese and get some tasty crackers, not Triscuits, which I like the Dill & Olive Oil and dunked it in my soup, which I didn't like.

Feeling Dirty

Smelly before but not bad ... though I showered.  Probably will go for my nightly jog.

Movie Star

How are kids potential film buffs?

Shouldn't you wait and do something when you're ready?

Ellen DeGeneres and Tim Burton work with all the big movie stars.  I like to post online and talk and do all sorts of things like sing.  It's funny not many other people do that that I find out.  I need to go a blog a hunting.

Crackers and Cheese

I had 1 pack of cracker sticks and cheese, 1 pack of pretzel sticks with cheee, and 1 pack of cracker sticks and cheese.


No word on legality of posting movie stills online and I don't feel like looking up the pictures if I don't know.

Does anyone know how to use this site: link?

Boiling Eggs

Making Egg Sandwich - Mayonnaise Pepper Salt


Why aren't there responses under each entry?  I see regular updates but assume that someone broke it all?

My Twitter lists didn't even work.


What happened to that?  The world means nothing.  That always happens, but something always comes up.


Ellen DeGeneres is getting away with it.  No one cares about her.  Come on, do something, she's being mean.  No one cares about her.


My blog is ruined because I didn't get my food, and I need to spend money even though I went to college.  You don't even know what you're talking about, and you never say anything.  You're nothing!


Got another -remark- on my blog?


WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?  I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG.  If you're mad at the n word thing, I can *beep* you.  If I have to, I'll arrest you!


Ellen DeGeneres is thinking it's funny secrets with my DAD.  Someone do something!  Maybe, she's not all that..


If you don't stop, I'm gonna have to knock this out.  Wait, how will I do that?  Look, speak English.  WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?  STOP HURTING ME.  YOU THINK I'M A NIGGER?  WHERE YOU THINK I COME FROM?  LEAVE ME ALONE!  Wait, don't leave me alone.  Hm, now I'm losing relationships.  I WANT MY BLOG!  AND MY FOOD!  WHAT'S GOING ON?  I'M GONNA *BEEP* YOU, I HOPE!


Ellen DeGeneres doesn't make sense.  She thinks she's **** punishing kids for no reason.  She sides with niggers.  "I wonder 'what' that means."


Why is only my blog messed up?

Hey, Ellen DeGeneres, what's your problem?


So, how will we get a place to lock my dad up?  He'll need psychiatrists to punish him.


So, Ellen DeGeneres "isn't smart."  Why?  Well, she never said anything, did she?  I just realized something but forgot what it was.  Who thinks that?  I forgot why!  Wait, Tim Burton was ruining my life, 1st.  I think my dad has been onto me.  What should we do to him?  Make a jail for him and find out what's wrong?  :|


Give me my blog and my food!

You come from a shit hole.

Be quiet.  I want it.  You didn't listen to me.  You're *beep*  Learn to talk.


Hey, does this look attractive?  "Side effects?"  Shows what kind of power you're made of and the decisions that you made.  Maybe, you don't matter..


Last season, Ellen DeGeneres made me feel bad in private.  My parents felt sorry for me.  Now, bad things are always happening because of the n word thing.

What?  My dad didn't get me fancy food because I don't drive.  My blog was ruined.


1 pack of cracker sticks and cheese
1 pack of soggy pretzel sticks and cheese from 711
1 pack of cracker sticks and cheese
a few coconut cookies

xp xp xp


Ellen DeGeneres is a scardy cat.  Would you say that's not really what she claims to be?

You all are obsessed with dads born in 1950.  Well, I think you're rubbing it in, the wrong way.

It seems that Kentucky brunettes got a bit rowdy.  '3|


What if we just *beep* my dad?  He can't live.


Wow, Ellen DeGeneres isn't onto nothing.


Ellen DeGeneres wastes a lot of time.


Why don't we *beep* Tim Burton.  He probably influenced my dad to ruin my blog for putting a possibly non-copyrighted image on my Twitter.  It doesn't matter like that.  You can't ruin my blog.  Think about it.  Just don't do it.  No one cares.  That's why no one cares about the rules.  True, people beat you around for it.



It's probably my dad who ordered it.  So, sick'm.


Did you get it?  This is unimportant.  I can do whatever I want on my blog.  Some people only listen to curse words and threats.  You know, t****** c******.


Hey, let's go ruin the life of you know who.


My Blogger background is uneven.  Is this happening to anyone else?

The Classic Voice

So, I went to college in New Orleans for voice.  It was the best College of Music.  There was a girl, who was blonde, shorter, and pretty substantial, who was in choir school since 5th grade until not sure when.  Everyone else and all the organists in the Cleveland area in the summer, where I was the oldest, seemed to have started, the singers at I guess 16-17, as the impression or possibly until the last moment and the organists, which I found I guess looking up organ stuff for college, 15, which was the same time I wanted to start.  I was told to start sooner.  I think at 16 I heard good organ music, like the pretty kind, with bells and later heard the authentic kind, that summer..  Growing up, the music teacher's daughter was in choir since 2 and took piano later and was taking gymnastics and probably played guitar.  Her dad was a psychiatrist, and she had a pony and a pool.  I heavily studied or looked into CĆ©line Dion, not interested in all the technical details, at all, though.  I also met a girl who did singing since 8, was just starting and was fluid but several years younger and just seemed a bit dead.  She was set to stay and become an opera singer.  I know years later, she was singing.  She was in singing and theater at Rhodes but switched to just theater, I think, or something else, even, maybe.  I had a friend who was in choir for 1 big mass.  I think she started private voice.  I don't know when.  She did piano and ballet before.  She quit singing and spited it.  I tried to start voice at 12 but was too shy.  I took piano from the teacher and didn't have time to practice.  This friend influenced me to go to a real ballet school, but it was private.  She was mad I didn't do ballet because she'd do it, too.  My mom never drove that much.  I told my mom I wanted to sing when I was 7.  I said, "I want to sing, somehow."  I might have asked her several times rather forcibly.  I was intent.  I was already in gymnastics and ballet.  Actually, I quit ballet, and we didn't find another school.  I did more gymnastics.  When I was 5, I told my parents I liked to sing.  My teacher was black.  I got interested in Michael Jackson singing for the whale movie because we studied whales and got on TV, when I was 6.  At 7, I said I wanted to be a singer when I grew up and my dad helped me learn "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," on the keyboard.  I was known for playing by ear when I was 9 and was applauded in school at 7.  I remember when I was 6 or 7 at this event this lady played Peter and the Wolf, and I punched in 1 note, didn't realize that I did it in time.  Well, it was like I was perfect but didn't know how to play what she played.  It was easy but like sorta you think it's taxing as she goes along.  My aunt sent me Wee Sing songs at 6, and I watched Barney for the singing.  For some reason, I liked being a little kid but always did.  Well, not when I was a toddler.  My aunt sent me piano songs, and I had them my 1st lesson and didn't tell the teacher, who was impressed, because it was out of etiquette.  I was into old-fashioned things.  American Girl, my mom wanted me to read the Swedish girl though I liked the spunky redhead from 1776.  I also liked the Little House books and got up to The Long Winter but looked at the pictures very intently and studied a lot of the words, mostly, "Deep in the woods of Wisconsin," on the back.  So, I was known for memorizing well.  Sometimes, I practiced there just an hour before the lesson, and I was really good, with 2 hands, that time.  We had events where we played for each other, and I may have messed up.  I forgot the song I memorized for my 1st recital because it wasn't chords.  I learned later from a music teacher at school to play chords for hymns, before moving, and she said to not stop piano and to start organ.  So, I didn't sing enough alone but did sing popular musicals and danced but didn't record it.  I had a 3 head lamp with different colors I brought downstairs.  The piano really, really helped a lot, and I don't know anyone who did a lot of piano and singing.

nu videos of me

watching Amanda Seyfried on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" today



I added a tag to my last post.

Showered ooO

I feel kinda fat, still.  I need to brush and floss.  I have cleaning to do.  Maybe will do it later, you know?  When I wake up, when my dad's not around..

Shower Time!


1|2 hunk of beef
2 Brussels sprout
room temperature water

Singing Lessons Beneficial

Amanda Seyfried is a really good singer.  I didn't take singing until I was 17.  I was in choir since I was 8, interested in singing before with some experience.  No choir in the New Orleans area.  Embarrassed to sing at home.  I have never had a pristine voice.  Wow, she's really good.  I saw some singers on YouTube, including from Juilliard and was at a school with a head from Harvard.  I heard some good singers I know since 2004.  Amanda Seyfried reminds me of Anne Hathaway, in that she's like so in on like thinking skills in the modern world.

So Hun-gry

My beef was bloody.  I guess my appetite was highly worked up.  8|

I have some hush puppies and want some stuffing.

Also, my face is itchy.


Kids sent home from Winter Park because of an ongoing threat on Facebook.

Also, breaking news from Washington involving Obama.


I'm cooking 1|2 hunk beef and 2 Brussels sprouts.  I'll probably have thick chocolate Oreos.  Still have 2 leftover fast food joint swishes.  With milk.  8p  I have a pack of apples, may bring 1 in my room.

Loading Videos of Me...

watching Amanda Seyfried on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show"

Problem Child

Why are people so careful with Nell Burton?  I thought I was accomplished.  She doesn't have to follow the rules, anymore.  Not with me.  Every thing that ever was is like sorta being rewarded to her.  This is so messed up.  I don't want to be her.  I just want to be me.  I don't want to be a tub of lard.  With no brain.  Well, I could lose these things..

Blogger Update

I edited the Tags order, put Social Net before Other Things.

Not Thinking

I don't believe in hurting people.  Oh no, Ellen DeGeneres already believes in "doing things yourself."  Her mom's last name is also Jewish, she recently pointed out.  I had a dream of her hurting me, but I felt good after.  I was just writhing wildly in a force.  I don't think we need to get nasty.  Why don't you write it out, 1st, and then we'll see if it's "rubbish."

I added a Comment Box!

Feeling Better

Looks like I made a lot of remarks on Ellen DeGeneres since it seems that's why my dad didn't get me food.  Why when I say food does it sound like I made a kissy face?  However, I was careful.

Hm, howcome older kids like to think older generations are old-fashioned?  What does that mean for me?  I have a feeling I won't be thinking, like that.

Speaking of which, remember ChloĆ« Grace Moretz on Jimmy Fallon remarking he's old?  Supposedly, her mom is more of older Boomer.  She has older siblings.  Lots of kids my age did, but I didn't know them.  I don't know what's better, but some people can only have 1 kid.


Why does Ellen DeGeneres think everything is positive?  I know most people check people.  I know I had that problem with Tim Burton.  It's just that I don't always feel uninvolved.


I put a cushioned chair outside for my family to take off their shoes.  I put it back in.  Someone came over.  I saw a police at my window the 2nd time with like some bugs and stuff around.  Then, a young girl police was in my house.  I felt sorry for my brother, like psychiatrically, and we went to my parents's bedroom.  My mom had a ballerina thing on her side, which wasn't very appealing, and on my dad's side was a very cute reddish honey kitty with a sash or something, bandanna?  Supposedly, he wanted to do soccer instead of martial arts and maybe baseball.  I asked the girl if she'd do ballet.  It was ya no I guess.  She said for me it was the same thing.  I did gymnastics and then ballet when I was young.  So we were going along.  I was "going back" to like a mental hospital, like I'd dreamed off and saw people from before.  It reminded me of the dream with all the black people in the more warehouse place that was dark.  So, I was exchanging information with a gir I knew, and he address book was like mine, mine having a squirrel sticker since I was 10.  Hers had other things.  Mine really does.  I just looked at it and texted my mom for my brother's cell #.   Oh, before, I was experiencing how to call people and thought of Ellen DeGeneres.  So, then I was going along a hall, well, rooms of art.  I kept saying names of artists from a class I took early, Art Appreciation.  For some reason, I said them before each room and then someone I knew said them.  I didn't really know but said, "You're an old art teacher."  Well, that was the only college art class I took.  I was going into my 3rd year.  She was with another lady.  She had kinda squeaky voice.  I got an A.  A strong A.  Maybe just 1 non-100.  So, maybe I wasn't at the mental hospital.  It got ticked into me that it was a dream, and things changed.  Someone flew off wanting me out and free to create art, laughing at what other people did to make art seem funny, riding out on like a pink flying cartoon that had shape-shifted.  It was like a big tall being.  Someone was with me looking out.

Blog Pile

Big Whoop

Why even listen to Ellen DeGeneres?  She thinks she can make a big whoop out of a big whoop.


I had some stick crackers and cheese.  I made cheesy grits and thick bacon, but I think I like the maple bacon.

I guess for lunch, I'll cook a beef and some Brussels sprouts.  I also have dessert but no good other crackers.  :{



The *New* Small Talk

Why does Ellen DeGeneres make witty conversation, or does she, really?

Also, she makes fun of you, when you're happy, because you're not from the South.  Except, I am from the South.


Funny how things aren't evened out with others.


Welcome to my Blogger! 3D