Sunday, December 16, 2012


Ellen DeGeneres thinks she's cool to be suggestive when you plead for something in life.

Look, how do I know that someone's not gonna come in and injure me for not being a movie actor now so I can get better?  Anyway, I was gonna, but I was too fat, I guess.  Not like supple enough.

I think she is just pretending.  She's just being bad, in your face, saying certain reactions mean truth, which they don't.

I'm tired of the games of Tim Burton.  He just accuses you if you don't have an answer.  He thinks that the world has a final answer.  He says, but you did that pattern, and this pattern means I made a statement to you.

Look, I keep hearing noises, and I don't like them.  What am I gonna do?..

Better make a change?  I mean, you have to..  You could get glasses, too.